Remedial teaching means that a child needs help in a specific area. Some children struggle with fine motor which means they can struggle with handwriting or gross motor like catching a ball.
Some children need help in a specific subjects like Mathematics, English, Afrikaans etc.
Others need guidance with different ways of studying and how to summarize their work.
I can help with these problems. Every child is different and learn different. Some learn better visually another through sound. I help your child with their specific needs.
Every child is different and will have their own plan and their own goal.
Therefore, individual attention and work will be given to each child according to their needs.
Grade RR and R will do activities based on all developmental areas, such as fine motor skills, Gross motor skills, Language, Eye hand coordination, speech, audio and more.
If there is a development area that needs more attentions I will do extra exercises.
Study time will be longer for older children, as they are able to concentrate much longer than younger children.
From Grade 1 till 3 I can help with the basic subjects at school (Afrikaans, English and Math). In addition I will also do extra developmental activities.
Grade 4-6 you can choose from the subjects at school. With most subjects I go back to the basics and look where the problems lie and work from there on.
Learn how to learn
After this training, children know what to do with:
• concentration
• fear of failure
• new lessons
• planning and organization
• how to do homework
• time
• assessment of effort
• provide insight into their own most effective way of learning
in the field of learning subjects, languages ​​and symbolism