In order to learn, the brain must be able to open the shutters
We often assume that children can pay attention all day long, but nothing could be further from the truth. It would be interesting to...

concentration problems
They keep coming, the questions about concentration problems. However, these questions are rapidly being overtaken by questions about...

Eight reasons why you should take teenagers seriously
Teenagers can be sooooo stupid and get themselves and others in trouble with their actions. But …… teenagers can also be sooooo creative...

Playing outside is important
Playing is a necessity of life. A child can develop through playing. He discovers the world around him and looks at things around him...

What to do if your child is being teased
"And the teacher does nothing about it ……" Both parents look with furrowed brows. They are angry and frustrated because their son is...

Would you like to complain? Use your child as a wailing wall
As parents we have a hard time. Work, your sex life, your vacation, your six-pack and good looks and your free drink: we have to keep all...

Corona....Come on: be strong for a while longer
Pffff…. It will still take a while, this corona period I think. The gloomy messages are flying around your ears. The longer it takes, the...

Why you should NEVER say "You can do that"
Have you ever realized how pointless it is when someone tells you that you will be able to do something? Because to be honest, do you...

Face masks? !!
I am soooo tired of it. That discussion about face masks ... Yes it is: difficult annoying limiting oppressive maybe acne-increasing and...

15 reasons why kids get angry and what to do about it
I will never forget him… that little boy who came to me because he had major problems at school with other children. His problem was that...