Playing outside is important

Playing is a necessity of life.
A child can develop through playing.
He discovers the world around him and looks at things around him from a different perspective each time.
A child learns a lot by playing outside.
The gross motor skills are given every chance and all muscles are used, causing burning again. Walking, running, hopscotch, rolling, diving for couples, climbing trees and poles, jumping ditches, building a hut… everything is tried out.
There is room for the gaze and eye movements from far to near and back. Distance is estimated and there is much to smell and discover: trees, plants, animals.
A child gets to know limits: the wall, the fence, a car.
There is room for play without adult supervision so problems are solved independently: How do you get the feather out of the tree?
Undoubtedly there are more advantages of playing outside.
The downsides of outdoor games only pay for moms and dads.
Your child gets dirty, broken clothes, worries that everything is going well and that no accidents happen.
Childhood memories
And ... When you talk to people about their childhood memories, the stories about playing outside are the ones that come closest to feelings of happiness. Just pay attention.
Parents, send your children out in all weathers and hail and rain. You now give them special childhood memories for later …… ..
Research in America has now shown that when children do not play outside, this has major negative consequences for the physical, mental and social development of the children. Due to the decrease in the possibilities to play outside spontaneously, a significant increase in depression, suicide and narcissistic traits has been observed in children. It was already well known that children who sit on the couch had an increased risk of obesity and poor physical health, but the results of this study are just as serious.
The influence of parents
Many parents are afraid that something will happen to their child and that it will be damaged. You can see it in the playgrounds. Mothers and father with outstretched hands so that they can guide their child step by step on the climbing frame and on the slide. These children are still lucky that their parents take them outside. Many more parents allow their child to start the morning in front of the TV and end the day in front of the computer.
In addition, parents find it exciting to let their child go to playgrounds where they can stroll around to their heart's content and let their imagination run wild. Most out-of-school care do their best to develop outdoor activities, but that is tightly lined up and organized down to the minute. No opportunity to explore and experiment.
Social skills
In management land it has been a habit for years to go survival with a team. The purpose of this is to learn how to work well together within a team. Apparently that is necessary and we have to learn it under the guidance of a sports enthusiast. Climbing trees, building huts, boating and all those things that we should have done as children are now expected to do so that we can learn social skills in our work environment.
When children have the opportunity to discover together how to build a cabin, fix up a boat or find your way in a forest on a spontaneous scavenger hunt or a fishing competition, they can work together much more easily later when they grow up. I'm convinced of that.
For years I have been able to watch my children and the neighborhood children during their play and their discussions about the rules of the game, the final results of buildings and their fellow players. Often it was fierce, including swearing and cursing. However, every child had its role and was accepted as it was. There was plenty of playing together, commanding, gossiping, locked out and locked in again. Everything according to unwritten rules and laws that were in force at that time or were established by the leader. Very natural and if you got involved then it was invariably: "You don't understand anything about it" And they were right.
One child was and remained more socially skilled than the other, but there was contact and there was play.
Truly a wonderful preparation for a later working life in a team.
If parents want fresh, healthy and radiant children in their homes instead of depressed, listless and suicidal adolescents and young adults, then they do well to send their children outside. Not the children, but the parents must overcome their fears and put aside their overprotective behavior.
In this way, parents give their children the opportunity to develop muscles in strong, healthy bodies, a chance for psychologically healthy functioning and a wonderful breeding ground for the life learning of social skills instead of through whatsapp, Facebook etc