Arguing at the table?

Do you know those families?
Where there is constant quarreling at the table? Father grumbles, mother soothes, children fight among themselves, a lot of shouting? Every now and then the vegetables and potatoes through the air?
And then with older children does the moment come when someone stomping towards his room disappears?
Or a daughter who is crying loudly and thinks it is all really not fair?
Yes, this is common, of course not at your table where harmony reigns supreme. I understand that too. You have the dragonfly cozy photo family. You can go straight into advertising. You only know it from the stories, from the neighbors, your friends and at the children's school.
You now have a tip for them. Create the ideal happy family at the table for them too and make a good impression. It really is of great simplicity to avoid the table quarrels.
After all, raising children is a piece of cake, right?
The secret?
Place everyone at the table in order of age in a clockwise direction. Starting with father, mother next to it, oldest child, second child, and so on
It has been found that when everyone within the family takes his own place, this ensures peace and order.
In the first instance, however, this may meet with resistance. For example, because the youngest child is always in the oldest place and unconsciously takes over his privileges. And giving it back will not always be easy.
Because isn't it the case that the youngest often sits at the head of the table and gets the most attention and is closest to mommy because it is so handy with feeding?
But my advice: Just persevere and experiment with a different setting and relax more and more.
Moreover, eating problems, arguments, sleeping problems, jealousy and other major and minor disturbances disappear like snow in the sun. And when Daddy is a gentle gentleman and he takes the place at the head of the table, after a while he marvels how it is possible that he can maintain authority so easily….
After a while, look back and be surprised at the result. As if a magic fairy has passed by….
So with your neighbors and friends …….